Maundy Thursday
Worship Service with Holy Communion at 7:00 pm

This is the Thursday in Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter). The day is a time for remembering The Last Supper. The name comes from the Latin word “Mandatum” for “commandment” as Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment; that you love one another.” At the conclusion of this service, altars are stripped of any ornamentation and crosses are removed or veiled to mark the solemnness of the occasion. In the German it is known as “Grundonnerstag” or Green Thursday.
Holy (MAUNDY) Thursday
Betrayed by Judas, one of the twelve disciples. Betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. Betrayed by Judas with a kiss—image that, a kiss! Betrayed by Judas in a garden east of Jerusalem called Gethsemane. Betrayed! Jesus was betrayed for us. After betraying Jesus, Judas plunges into the depths of despair. He does not return to Jesus to seek forgiveness. But this Thursday, the night Jesus is betrayed, reminds us of the forgiveness, life, and salvation that Jesus provides for us in the Lord’s Supper. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we journey ever closer to the cross.