Managing the Gifts God Gives

The word stewardship is often associated with monetary gifts, but it means more than that to those within the church. As the free and joyous activity of the baptized, stewardship involves managing the gifts God gives us: time, talents and treasure.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. — ROMANS 12:1 —
God has called every Christian to special roles (vocations) in the home, in the Church and in society. In each of these roles, we act, in Luther’s words, as the “masks of God” in blessing our neighbors. And each of these vocations makes a claim on our presence and our resources. Stewardship Ministry aims to help God’s people at Immanuel seize upon their vocations and live lives dedicated to using God’s gifts for His purposes and to His glory.

Simple Gifts Devotions
“Simple Gifts” is a 22-part series of devotions on stewardship. Topics include “Stewards of the gift of peace“ and “Gifts for the generations to come.” Simple Gifts is included weekly in our worship bulletins. You can also read the devotions below.
Want to talk more about the topic of Stewardship? Get in touch with Immanuel’s Stewardship Board! Call the church office or send a message to