Events Calendar

Events Calendar


hands in. Ministry Staff Meeting. Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS. Joplin, Missouri.

Ministry Staff Meeting

Ministry Staff Meeting | Tuesdays at 9:45 am The full-time Ministry Leadership Staff meets weekly to plan, coordinate, evaluate and encourage. Our pastor, principal, director of Christian education and other office staff may be unavailable for phone calls or office visits during this important hour each week. Get To Know Our Ministry Leadership Staff Rev. Chris Ramstad, pastor DCE Jason Glaskey, Youth & Family Ministry Mrs. Mollie Ramstad, school principal Reach Out To Us! Immanuel Lutheran Church (office) | 417-624-0333…
board room table and chairs

Church Council Meeting

Coordinating Mission and Ministry Through servant leadership, Immanuel’s Church Council works to coordinate the programs and activities of the various departments of the Congregation, with representatives from the Boards of Assimilation, Christian Day School, Christian Education, Elders, Evangelism, Finance, Property Maintenance, Stewardship, and Youth. The Council’s regular meetings are on the third Tuesday of each month. If you have questions or comments for the Immanuel Lutheran Church Council and other church leaders, please contact our congregational president, Mr. Bill Ideker. Learn More About…