Super Subs
Made fresh by our Youth on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, 2025 — Thanks for ordering ahead!

Support the youth of Immanuel as they raise money for various youth trips and activities throughout the year by ordering a fresh-made Super Sub Sandwich! This year our profits will support our high school youth as they raise money to attend the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer!
Make a secure, easy online donation to our Youth Group HERE!

We are back to building fantastic, fresh, delicious 7-inch super sub sandwiches for you again this year. Thank you for supporting this important annual fundraiser, and investing in our kids! #GOCHIEFS!
Each of our sandwiches are made fresh on the morning of Super Bowl Sunday, using bakery hoagie rolls and premium fresh-sliced deli meats. Several veggie choices come packaged on the side, so that your sandwiches don’t get soggy. Just follow your nose to the glass hallway outside of the church sanctuary on Sunday. Your order will be ready for you after either worship service. (Don’t forget to bring a canned food item or two to donate, and we’ll toss in some fresh-baked, homemade chocolate chip cookies for your dessert!)
Take a look at these photos from a previous year of Super Sub making!