From The Desk Of Pastor Mech

Christmas celebrations bless us with glorious music. This past season’s choir selections, instrumentalists and children’s programs kept me smiling and gave me warm memories to see me through the coming winter. One of the relatively unchanging elements of Christmas at Immanuel is our Christmas Eve festival of Readings, Carols and Candlelight. Most every year we sing the same beloved hymns, and I am fine with that tradition. Yet several people asked whether some of their favorite hymns couldn’t be cycled into that Christmas service, and I say, “Why not?”
So let’s have another Top Ten List. Below are all the Christmas hymns in our hymnal. Choose ten of them or fewer that you would like to sing on Christmas Eve, indicate your choices, and click “submit.” You can also print out this page and put it in the ballot box located in the church entryway.
Let’s see how we choose to share the world-shaking news that the dwelling of God is with us!
from Immanuel’s Epistle newsletter, January 2019
Favorite Christmas Hymns Survey
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