'church year' Tagged Posts

advent candles immanuel lutheran church joplin missouri

What Is Advent?

FAQs About Advent What is Advent? Learn about this four-week season of the church year leading up to the celebrated birth of Jesus at Christmas (Note: Advent 2024 begins on Sunday, December 1.) See Also Q: Why does the church year begin at Advent, what is the history of Advent, and what is the history behind the Advent candles and wreath? A: The word “advent” is from the Latin word for “coming,” and as such, describes the “coming” of our Lord…
What is Lent? bowl of ashes and palms. Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS. Joplin, Missouri.

What Is Lent?

FAQs About Lent What is Lent? Learn about this 40-day season of the church year leading up to Easter (Note: Lent 2024 begins on Wednesday, February 14.) See Also Q: What is the significance of Lent? A: Early in the Church’s history, the major events in Christ’s life were observed with special observances, such as His birth, baptism, death, resurrection and ascension. As these observances developed, a period of time was set aside prior to the major events of Jesus’ birth and…